Jacobs Farm


In 1936, Yitzhak and Ruth Jacobs arrived in Kfar Ha-ro'eh in Emek Hefer. The desolation of the swamps around them failed to dampen their spirits, and they decided that this was the place to establish their home and realize their dream of settling in the land of Israel. On their small fruit farm, they raised and milked goats in the yard and almost immediately began making cheeses for their own consumption at home.

Today, cheese production at Jacobs Farm is carried out with the most innovative equipment and strictest measures of quality control, but still using  the traditional methods of small dairies in Europe.  They process the milk of goats, sheep and cattle, producing some 25 different kinds of five-star cheeses: hard, semi-hard, and 'mouldy' ones, and of course soft cheeses and yoghurts.